Get Rid of Snow With World Edit Minecraft
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How do I Get rid of snow?
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Get Rid of Snow With World Edit Minecraft
#1 Jul 11, 2011
Please Help!
Every single Minecraft day, it snows. And I really hate snow in Minecraft. I realy need to how to stop it by mods or hacking or whatever. Oh, and I have Single Player Commands also. If there is a command to stop the snow please tell me. (I know /weather sun but I need one thatll keep it sunny everyday.)
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R.I.P Paul #2 Gray. Stay (sic) fellow maggots!
#3 Jul 11, 2011
I have a lot of stuff on this world plus it snows a ton on all my other worlds.
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R.I.P Paul #2 Gray. Stay (sic) fellow maggots!
#4 Jul 11, 2011
I believe you can change biomes by using Single Player commands.
Also, lighting up the place.
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You wouldn't want to kill a poor little dragon would you? You monster?
#5 Jul 11, 2011
What command would that be?
Last edited by Apyrax: Jul 11, 2011
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#6 Jul 11, 2011
Use torches/glowstone/jack-o-lanterns/netherrack, they melt snow.
You could also build a roof over your area, it might be a neat project as well as a solution.
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#7 Jul 11, 2011
Create a roof out of flaming netherack. That'll show snow for screwing up your world.
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Drink it up man that's the taste o' failure!
#8 Jul 11, 2011
If you get a bucket of water it will clear all snow in area, but it will come back every time it snows.
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Why you be a minen' in me mines?
If you need to contact me, a private message is the way to go. I almost never come back to a topic after I've commented on it.
#9 Jul 11, 2011
Maybe put a big roof over where you don't want the place to snow or put torches everywhere.
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#10 Jul 11, 2011
Lots and lots of TNT. That my friend, is the solution to everything Minecraft.
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#11 Jul 11, 2011
yeah just either put a big roof or your gonna have to dig it up everyday..
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#12 Jul 11, 2011
/weather sun 99999999999999999999999999999999999
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Minecrafting since Alpha 1.1
#13 Jul 11, 2011
Copy and paste your structures into a different biome with MCEdit.
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#14 Jul 11, 2011
If you hated snow...why build in a snowy biome? This is my first question.
For your solution either light the place or use a giant roof over your stuff. But make it a cool roof not just your standard roof.
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